Web Development Work

I'm Austin Wright. I'm a Web developer by day. I develop hypermedia applications, Web servers, Internet protocols, and the like.

You can check out my résumé.


I'm available for consulting for JSON Schema or your Web application, drop me a line: [email protected]


JSON Schema

I'm an editor on JSON Schema, a format for describing JSON documents that supports validation and annotation of JSON data. It is used by countless people and in many projects, including AWS, Visual Studio Code, OpenAPI, Mozilla, and Google.

JSON Schema website


Fullstack.wiki is a website for documentation on writing cross-platform Web applications, from selecting a database to user interface design. It is vendor neutral, and does not target any specific platform or company.



A streaming JSON parser for JavaScript, with concurrent validation against a JSON Schema. Suitable for very large JSON documents.

JSON Schema Parse

RDF for ECMAScript

A utility for managing RDF information.

RDF for ECMAScript

URI Template Router

A library that matches a URI to a single URI Template from a set of templates. Useful for routing an incoming HTTP request to a request handler.

URI Template Router


Github: awwright — All my coding work

Twitter: awwscript — Computer science, Internet development, and complaining about technology